Gang nam Gu Media pole. I am obsessed!
Ice cream from Cold Stone. Where you choose whatever flavours you want, and then they mix it with chocolate brownies, sauce, pie crust, choc chips and all manner of other things! Fontaine and I shared Cherry ice cream with chocolate brownie and Caitlin had cake batter flavour (which tasted exactly the same as when you lick the bowl after baking) in a waffle with sauce.
Chelsea's was apparently the healthy option because it was banana flavour... it was just mixed with choc chips and sauce that's all!
We went back to the Pirate restaurant but there was no disco of fire breathing this time. Disappointing!
The waiter seemed to like us as he gave us a 3000 won discount ( about £2!)
Beef and prawns BBQ-ing!
There were two rice cakes but I had to eat one as my co-teacher gave it to me and I wanted to seem polite. It is the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted! This one lasted only as long as it took to take this picture. They were given to the teachers at school from the Principal's previous school although it's not clear whether they were to say 'we miss you' or 'thank goodness you've gone!'
Bulgogi kimbap and Peach tea.
Chicken burger (and I had chips!) from my local Turkish kebab place! Actually there were also chips inside the bun with the burger... Bizzare!
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