3 reasons not to see Radiohead
This weekend I went to the Jisan Valley Rock Festival. I had an amazing weekend of crazy highs and some very near disasters. Our epic adventures deserve their own post, but the main reason for our journey there was (of course) for the music. The three main acts we went to see were Radiohead, Beady Eye and the Stone Roses. And there couldn't be a greater dichotomy between my experience of the two nights (Radiohead friday and Beady eye/Stone Roses sunday). So firstly, here are my 3 reasons why I'll never be watching Radiohead ever again.
I wasn't the only one disappointed! |
1. If you, like me, enjoy their early stuff (ie the music that first made them successful and therefore gave them the opportunity to develop and continue to produce music) you'll be disappointed. For us they played only Karma Police and Just. WHERE WAS CREEP??!! I don't know their later stuff, and of course if you do then I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I don't own any of it, because I don't like it. Might have been nice if they played a more varied mix at their concerts.
2. They barely talk to the audience. Granted I watched them in a country where the native tongue isn't English. But as my next post will demonstrate, it's not that hard to learn "Hello" and "Thank you" in another language and as the people coming to see you have paid loads of money, it might be nice to be acknowledged further than "pleased to meet you" (which they said 4 times).
If only these sentiments were shared by the band. |
3.Talking of being acknowledged, wouldn't hurt the wildly successful band to crack a smile one in a while or look like they're pleased to be doing something for a living which they love. Lighten up lads! Blimey take yourselves too seriously much?!
This weekend was the first, and last time I'll ever pay to see Radiohead. In all honesty you couldn't pay me to see them again.

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