Deliciously Vintage
Part of my 30 before 30 was to make my way through the recipes in one of my cook books. This was definitely a big undertaking, and could have been a #30before30 list in itself! I love baking though, so this was good fun and something I probably would have been doing anyway. Since I started my new job, I've had a lot less time to spare baking after work or at the weekend, so I haven't had as much success in recent weeks to get through the last few recipes that I wanted to. I was given a madeline baking tray for Christmas so I will be able to get that done - which I plan to do possibly this weekend (if I can get my essay draft done early enough!) Then I have an Opera cake recipe to tackle, which would definitely take an entire day as it's quite a difficult one! I decided at the beginning of this challenge that I wasn't going to include recipes that I had baked before on my list, so below are the new cakes etc that I made over the past year, and at the end the ones I haven't got around to yet! I have enjoyed this challenge and will keep on with this one - as I will do with my other 30before30 list!
The cookbook in question |
Where it all started with the battenburg! |
Jammy Dodgers, one of my triumphs! |
Peanut butter and jelly cake. Not to my taste but a big hit with the NYU students! |
Dorset Apple Cake. A little soggy :-/ |
Kugelhopf (Bundt cake). Requested a second time at work, but not one of my faves! |
Another highlight - Vanilla Chiffon Cake for my friend May's birthday! |
Some incredibly small eccles cakes |
Pecan Pie... a bit of a disaster because all of my family and I thought this one was far too sweet! |
Not pictured: Cornish Fairings, whoopie pies, chelsea buns, lemon drizzle cakes, angel cake, bakewell tart,
And what do I have left:
Florentine biscuits, Millionaire's shortbread, snickerdoodles, Madeline cakes, cinnamon rolls, fat rascals, hummingbird cake, opera cake, eclairs.

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