Saturday, 4 February 2017

Wanderings Lately :: January

January... I didn't have many photos to include in this post, and I didn't really spend a lot of this month doing much other than work and staying at home. That was intentional because December and a lot of last year, was taken up going out and about. 

This month I relished turning the page in my diary and seeing there was nothing planned. I have tried as much as possible to get out a run (even if this was only for 10 minutes) as I am signed up for my first ever 10k next week.

Looking at February and March, I am much busier with birthdays (mine included) and the start of my work trips to Oxford. Thinking on that, I'm glad January was a calm start to the year.


I bought a new bike this month, with some money I got for Christmas and money from my Christmas bonus and it's really so much better than my old one! Although cycling to work at this time of year is a bit depressing, but it does also mean if the weather is clear the light bathing the city can be gorgeous. Particularly as it starts to get lighter, the light bathing the city can be gorgeous. This month, on one of my rides, Tower Bridge was still lit up and the sky behind was beautiful. 


This month, I FINALLY finished my MA! I haven't got the result yet, but fingers crossed I pass this last essay and then it's all over! 

Hello Fresh

This month, I wangled a free hello fresh voucher (courtesy of my friend Jasmin) to try out their meal box delivery service. I opted for the vegetarian box - which was more restricted than the other boxes as you don't get a choice of your meals. I was also a bit disappointed that two of the meals were unimaginatively based around cheese. 

Having said that, they were tasty and easy to make. It was nice having them ready and waiting each evening, and since they were designed to make two meals, I was able to use the left overs for lunch the following day.

I think it's expensive (£36 for the veggie box), and not really suitable for one person to regularly order. It would be useful after a holiday, when you don't have time to go food shopping and I was glad to try it out as a novelty. 

Lunar New Year

Lunar new year was the end of January this year, and I was glad to join my Chinese friends for an afternoon of hot pot. We stuffed ourselves full in celebration of the year of the rooster.