Thursday, 15 April 2021

Wonderings Lately :: March 2021

March marks a year since we started working from home, social distancing and really taking things seriously. This month everyone seemed to feel quite reflective, thinking back to last year and the naivety that we had around how long things would last. I remember wondering whether I would actually get to the end of the 30 day yoga challenge I started the first day of wfh. It feel stupid to think that now, but really at the time it was only supposed to last a few weeks.

On the 1st March I dug out the Mărțișor that I bought in Moldova when I visited for interviews in 2019. This little broach symbolises the coming of spring and the tradition is to wear this everyday in March and on the last day of the month tie it to a tree. I like learning about little things like this when I've travelled abroad and I enjoyed wearing this just for me on the first of March.

I took this photo one evening when I walked to Balham to refill my washing up liquid. I don't usually walk as it's a nice cycle but my bike was vandalised and is now out of action. The walk obviously took slightly longer but it was also a nice route through Wandsworth common and strange and exciting to be out of the house when the sun set!

I've finally got into a nice routine with working out at home. Pilates and Barre classes through an online zoom subscription. I'm also pleased that my ivy plant has started growing again, after giving me a scare over winter immediately after I cut it back.

This book was slow to get going but once it did I devoured it and it's a trilogy so looking forward to the next two being released!

I went on a long walk to Wimbledon park which has this great big pond (lake?) and a delightful sunset. 

I met a friend for a walk in Battersea park and decided to walk home, past Albert bridge; one of the prettiest in London (in my opinion). I over-estimated my capacity to walk this far, after so much time barely moving and my legs were seriously aching for a couple of days afterwards.

I don't know how I am going to survive my first netball game when things start up again.

One whole year since we were all instructed to work from home. One year since that Monday evening when I walked in from work and Victor was watching Boris Johnson announce that all who could, should start to work from home and minutes later we were texted from work telling us not to come to the office in the morning.

This office space in our spare room has made wfh so much easier for me, I am luck that I can use Victor's desk, keyboard and monitor for work. Sir Woofington helps out on cold days so I don't have to have the heating on for the whole day!

The view from the window could certainly be improved upon though, that's for sure!